Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mentors. Letting Go. Giving Everything.

There are so many people in my life that have truly impacted my life and I thank God for each and every one of them. One in particular, Emmy Scott, was someone who would tell me what I needed to hear whether its what I wanted or not. After she passed away a little over two years ago, I realized how much she made me grow. She challenged more than any one person has and showed me the way a true Christian should live. She lived a life that was impeccable and of course all of us have faults but they were few for her. God's light was so bright that it almost blinded when she walked in a room. I look back at all the lessons she helped me learn and I thank God for putting her in my life when He did. 

I want to be that person to someone. I am not in any way as amazing as Emmy but I want to impact someone's life. God has placed me on this earth for a purpose. That purpose is still being revealed to me and I cannot wait to see what it is. I am learning that I cannot just sit and wait all the time but take what God has placed in front of me at this moment and use it. In time God will show me what the next step in my journey is. 

Tonight on my way home from a Life Group dinner I started praying and I realized that I have been too consumed with what God has for me in the future and too caught up on situations of the past. I have let those little things weasel their way back into my life. I almost feel like I am losing time by letting them get to me. I am losing time focusing and showing God through my life. I have too many people and many more important things in my life that I should focus on. I am to "not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of my mind." Wow. Gossiping, resentment, envy, jealousy, dislike, holding on to things that must be dropped can only lead to downfall. Now is the time for all of us to see that and start learning love, respect, confronting/talking to a brother/sister before you let it get to you, edifying others, etc. 

We are called to FALL IN LOVE with Our Father. Why do we hesitate so often to let Him in? He is our Creator and the one that unconditionally loves us no matter what. He will never doubt our ability to overcome, never show hatred or bring suffering but JOY LOVE PATIENCE. Why would we let our lives be ruled by the foolish things of this world? Why would we miss an opportunity to live for our one and only God. It almost seems ridiculous not to but sometimes we lose sight of the ridiculousness and only see what we want and let the world influence us. 

I am praying that all of us learn ITS NOT ABOUT US!!!!!!! ITS ABOUT OUR GOD!!!!! He gave us every ability, gift, talent, positive personality trait, etc. why shouldn't we give all of those things to Him in praise and let Him work in our lives.

Find someone in your life that you can talk to about anything and learn from. Find someone who will love you for you and will not be afraid to hold you accountable. Let God rule your life and show the world His light and love. But most of all give God everything you have!

Love and God Bless.

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