Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Work of Art

With the tip of His pen, the edge of His brush, and His chisel of choice,
The Great Artist creates out of nothing pure beauty.
Through flawed eyes the people who view His work criticize and judge without a second glance.
They see what is in front of them, as their eyes know beauty.
Never thinking to look through His eyes the beauty of His creation,
Even the flaws they see are a type of awestruck gloriousness.
Oh how deceived they are to think their criticisms and judgements matter.
For they themselves were made by the Great Artist, a masterpiece, one of a kind.
He alone can judge His work for if others do no beauty will come out of it.

Their judgment cracks and weathers the beautiful masterpiece called themselves
and eats away just as moths and rust destroy the things of this earth.
The Artist in all His mastery will receive his pieces back to be reshaped, recast, and restored,
so that they too may see the beauty He sees.
As these people, though flawed and human, come to Him with a humbled brokenness,
they too will know what it is like to be seen as beautiful in a world full of judging eyes.
A world that does not know true beauty because the mask of dirt and decay has covered their eyes.
They see no beauty for the darkeness has closed in,
yet the Great Artist calls to His work wanting them to come and be made new.

This is a description of the way we as humans view others around us. We cannot see the beauty He sees because we are trapped in a our self-taught way of beauty, our world-taught way. We do not see the beauty in all people because our shallow flesh does not think the world's so thought "undesired" are beauty. We think we have to meet standards and that others must also, that you have to be a certain height with a certain hairstyle with certain clothes and the perfect weight. LIES! We are who we are and they are who they are. Of course, being healthy is a different subject all together, but we must realize that we must not place standards on others because we do not understand the magnitude of it all.
We must ask God to see through His eyes the beauty of every person we come in contact with that we may love them as God loves us. That we may see past their flaws as He sees past ours.

Get it. Got it. Good. =) Be encouraged to know that no human can place a stamp of approval on who you are. God has already done that and perfected us through grace and mercy. His love refines us and restores us to the masterpiece He has created us to be. We are no perfect by any means but in our Papa's eyes we are beautiful works of art, created by He Himself, the Creator of ALL THINGS!

Love you all. Remember Psalm 139:14, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well."

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