I began thinking about this scenario and how unimpressed we are as a church at the miracles of Jesus. The majority of the church looks at them like a story, like something that has just happened, not the magnificent, wondrous things that they are. We should be in awe at the life of Jesus. Just think about what we have been called to. We are told in the Word that we will do greater things than Christ himself. He has called us to greater. He has called us to stand strong with boldness and courage. Think of the magnitude God has called us to. We are to have the power of the Holy Spirit and walk as Jesus walked. Live in the Presence of the Living God and find joy in Him. How amazed would you be if you prayed for someone to come back to life and they did! I would freak out because all it took was for me to step out in faith and trust that God does all things! My mind is blown away at the power of God. If he can create an entire universe then he can heal the sick, make the lame to walk, raise from the dead, and set free the captives.
Here is a little piece of my life to you. I have had many issues trusting God's plan for me and struggled with unbelief. The other night I got together with my friend, Lez, and we began to talk about my life and what's been going on. He told me there will always be a battle between faith and unbelief, so I must take a step of faith and trust the Lord (that means giving my whole life to him, no exceptions, which he has called all of us to). If I trust the Lord and the plans he has for my life then surely I will be able to walk in the power I described early and the power described in the Word of God. If I live my life actively abandoning myself to the Lord, allowing him to be my Father, my Guide, my Strength, then I will be able to walk in his power and be used for the works of His Kingdom.
Last night Bill Spencer made an altar call for any of us who wanted to fully and finally commit ourselves fully to the Lord. At that moment, I was completely enamoured by the Lord and his beautiful presence. My heart began to pound in my chest and I knew he was telling me to walk up there, so I did. I began to pray to the Lord and cry out. All of a sudden the warmth of the Holy Spirit filled me and I couldn't even move. I was lost in his presence. I was at a loss for words, so I just stood in his presence, waiting for him to speak to me. Oh goodness, did he ever speak to me! I have struggled with giving my whole self to him. Allowing him to take my heart and protect it because I am scared of the consequences. Well in that precious moment with him last night, I let him take it all. I allowed my Papa to take everything I have and renew me. He filled me like never before and now I have such a peace over my life and its beautiful. I know he is here and will always be. Of course, I am not perfect and am still a broken person, but I believe with everything in me that if I sit in his presence every single day that I will find freedom, restoration and wholeness in my life. I must seek him and his love in order to find myself. I cannot expect to go to church and to bible study once or twice a week and be able to find who I am in Christ and have a deep glorious relationship with him. I must be willing to sacrifice my life to seek Him in all OF HIS GLORY!
I hope this was encouraging for someone. I hope and pray that you will find the courage to step out in faith and to find yourself in our God. I love you all dearly.