I guess my topic for now will be the purity and love that the Lord has for every single person. I cannot even grasp the love he has for me. I think I love him a lot...No HE LOVES ME EVEN MORE! =) My mind has been blown at the gifts and presents he has given me in the last week. He continues to bless me, bring me more revelation, and pour out more freedom on my life!
Its so crazy what a little bit of faith and a whole lot of surrender will do. God is so faithful to the things he has for us and if we are willing to pay the price of losing "ourselves" to find our true selves in the Kingdom, I think we are a okay! =) I just can't stop smiling. One cool thing that Jesus has done is release me from bondage, break chains, and bring enormous healing in my life the past few days. So much release, so much freedom. Wow! Again Indescribable! I pray healing over anyone reading this and pray that You will cover them with your sweet peace and bring them a new song!
Anyways, I have been reading this book called Not a Safe God by Tim Riter. It is one of those books that challenges your outlook on life and Scripture. The whole premise of the book is to talk about the words of Jesus and show the absolute nature of them. Tim goes through Scripture in John and Luke and it has given me such revelation. We talk about laying down our lives for Christ all the time, we sing about it in our worship music, we pray about it, yet do we ultimately understand what we are saying? Christ called us to give the ultimate sacrifice...our lives!
How does that make you feel inside? It has made me think and feel that I have in many ways not given all of me to Jesus! There are many things in our lives that we try to do on our own and if we were willing to spend time with the Lord on them, those problems would be nonexistent because our Papa wants to take care of us! He wants to lead us to a place where our hearts are full of him, our lips speak only His beautiful truth, our eyes see the things of the unseen Kingdom, our minds think on the His Kingdom and our purpose in it, and our lives are completely given to him.
I have several questions for you. Think about them all.
1. Would you die for Christ's sake tomorrow?
2. Would you walk away from the life you have, where you are and start somewhere new where you knew no one just because you were being obedient to the Lord's calling on your life?
3. Are you willing to give up the material things of this world you own to pick up and follow Jesus?
4. Does your heart cringe at the answers to the first three questions?
5. Are you pouring out the power Christ has given you or are you hoarding it for yourself and being coming obese in the spirit?
6. Are you wanting nothing more than to see God's Kingdom reigning on this earth?
7. Is all that your heart wants and desires is to spend precious time with the Lord because your heart, soul, and spirit yearn for more of His love, goodness, passion, peace, presence, blessing, grace, mercy, kindness, gifts, and outpouring of more revelation?
8. Are you obedient to His Call?!?!
Ha. I bet that is all a lot to process. I hope that didnt overwhelm you too much. I know these are some tough questions but they need to be answered. My heart wants to have the answers to these questions and not even have to think twice about it but then I continue to struggle. Don't except perfection out of yourself because only your One and Only is perfect. He is risen and seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty! AMEN!
Sidenote: A story to look at on this whole deal is the rich young ruler, oh! and pretty much the whole New Testament because it is a testament to the sacrificial lives that the apostles lived!
Once we make this commitment, we must want it with everything we are. We must breath our relationship with him and be willing to be obedient to his will. Weird thing about laying down your life for Jesus, you'll fall madly in love with Him, he'll give you gifts, and find great joy in your obedience to follow through with the things he lays on your heart!
My spirit is so full right now I could write for hours and hours on what the Lord is doing in my life. I am astounded and in awe. It is like a thunderstorm has been raining over me this last week and I am being saturated. The Lord wants to bless you, to deepen your relationship, to find rest in him, new revelation, a revival of the spirit, and to float in the river of His Presence daily! =) Be filled up my lovelies!
xxx LOVE YOU! May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May he give you peace which passes all understanding.
Scripture to possibly dive into if you need something: Isaiah 59-62, Luke 14. John 13-15, Philippians, Colossians, Psalms, and just the whole darn thing! Ha! =)