PREFACE: This is from October. I never got to post it, so here it is.
These days life just seems to be speeding by with no intention of slowing down. In the midst of all this fast paced life and utter chaos is the sweet still presence of my Papa. A couple of weeks ago a few friends and I went to Fall Creek Falls to go camping and while it was an adventure of sorts, the evidence that God is real and alive today was all around me. I could no contain myself as I stared intensely up at the beautiful falls as the sun gleamed on the magnificently turned leaves of the swaying trees. Every person on this earth should see the stars, the rising of the sun, the feeling of the invisible wind, and the mountainous landscape and be able to see the Creator of the Universe in all His Glory.
It seems that in the middle of this crazy country of politics, religious discord, and utter business that every single person would want to walk away from his/her life and want yearn to see the beauty of the wilderness and the solitude that it brings. Our God, Our Creator made this earth that we may dwell in it and gave us dominion. Yes, I am moving to another topic. How the God of the Universe gave man dominion over the universe, giving us a purpose on this earth.
We are CALLED with a PURPOSE to lead lives for GOD, our LOVER!!!! FOR GOD, NOT OURSELVES. So as we wake up in the morning, we must have the mindset that we are vessels of the Lord and that we are to bring change to a dying world. How wonderful and magnificent is it that we are chosen and called for such things. Every single believer who seeks the Lord with all of his/her heart, soul, mind, and spirit is given the purpose of bringing love to His creation. There is not one moment that has gone by over the past few months that I have looked back and not seen that our God is faithful. He wants us to know Him so badly, that seeks us out for His pleasure.
Think about the beauty of His creation, the gloriousness of His magnificence. I pray that the Lord will reveal Himself in a deep and new way. That this year is a year of new beginnings like the Lord has been showing me. Never feel like you have to strive, JUST REST IN HIM!