Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Change and Love.

I have no written in what seems like ages. I have been consumed by school and dealing with some things that whether I think this is true were life-altering. I do think that change sparks a person's ability to get fired up. Me...I'm getting there. I have told several of my friends that I've noticed that minus a few friends....they've all changed over the last few months. I've grown closer to some and further from others. It saddens me to lose friends but I guess its just a part of good ole' life.

Last Thursday at SlowBurn really got me fueled up. Clint has been speaking about sleeping giants and we basically woke them from there slumber. Something that has been dormant in me is my joy and peace. I am just a overflowing person with joy and lately I've been missing that. I think partly is because I am saddened by some of the changes that have occurred in my life recently. But God spoke to me saying that, "Don't look at this change as a loss but a gain." I guess that's how we really must look at it...a gain. People all over the place think that change is something that can only bring hard times. Well, they need to think about this...one of the biggest changes a person ever makes is choosing to follow Christ and be in relationship with Him. Is that change bad? I don't think so. Its the best decision ever! I mean they have to look at all the positive changes. Yes, hard times come and go but that's part of the ride we call life. Its not supposed to be all overly optimistic but joyful and ready to pursue the course of life given even though its tough sometimes.

I have learned a lot about myself and a lot about where my passions lie. I cannot tell you how blessed I feel to know that God has called to be a light unto the world. As Christians I find that we forget what our purpose is on this earth. That is to be the light in a dark world and help show people the biggest change of all...finding God. First and foremost though Christians are missing what Christ said was the greatest command, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." If we do not do this first...then we are missing out on something great. If we fully give ourselves over to God and build an amazing relationship with Him then we will automatically shine His light and we won't even realize it.

Just think about your relationship with God and where it is headed. Think of His GREAT PLANS for you.....

God Bless and Much love.

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