Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Do We Condemn or Love?

Today is a new day filled with amazing opportunities to love our Daddy and love on people.

Yesterday held the same opportunities as today and some tried to "take advantage". The only problem was they used it as an opportunity to spread hate and not love. A "minister," I use that term lightly, decided to come to MTSU to speak. He was outside the KUC speaking, telling people they are not saved unless they stop sinning. It is impossible for a human to ever STOP sinning. We sin daily but we must lay them down at the foot of the cross. This man spoke horribly about homosexuals, unbelievers, and anything else he found was wrong in the world. He did not love the people he was speaking to but felt the right to condemn them to an eternity of pain and suffering in hell.

He spoke for about 45 minutes but im not sure since I didnt actually attend the speaking. A girl there wanted to ask him a question. He responded to her before she could ask," Are you saved?" Her response was,"No I am not a believer." He then told her he could/would not answer her question.

This man chose to try to "save" people by making them feel worthless and unloved by believers and by God. He missed the part of the Word that speaks about God's love and mercy. His forgiveness of sins and willingness to love the lost, the brokenhearted, and the unloved. How awesome is our God? This man portrayed the epitome of what a Christian or believer should not be like. Our human nature causes us to judge. He was becoming the judge. None of us are judges and none of us are without sin. We all fall short of the glory of God daily but we must lie at the feet of the Almighty and be found blameless in His Sight.

Not only did all of this happen but a girl pushed him down the stairs accusing him of groping her. None of us know that to be true but she was arrested and he is in the hospital. Wow! Thats what your thinking right now...

There are several things we must know: 1) We are to Love God, Love others. That is our first and most simple calling in life. 2) We must not judge others or condemn them to hell but in loving kindness help them find God. 3) We should pray for all of the parties that partook in this situation. The minister that he may see that condemnation is not the way to save but love is the way. The young girl and all the others that heard his message. May they not feel worthless but pray that they will look past this event. Last but not should pray that God begins to move here and around the world.


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