Friday, December 12, 2008


Today I realized that I have to figure out what in the world I am going to do for the next six months of my life. I am having to change a lot of the way I think and what I want to do. Since its the Christmas season I am trying to focus on how to give back. I mean the season is not about presents, decorations, or food. It is about celebrating the birth of Christ and showing love to people all around you.

I have so much on my mind these days. I am trying to get ready to start a new year. Next semester is going to be busy and full of changes. Changes in my church, changes in my schedule of life, and changes in my happiness and relationships. I am so excited about this CHANGE! People are so afraid of change these days that its sad. I used to feel that way but I have realized that the same ole' same ole' is not worth it. To have change makes life more interesting and makes you realize what God has for you. The book I am reading right now, For This I Was Born, is really stumping me. I mean the book is not hard to understand...its just its making me want to focus on change and figure out were God is taking me. What vision He has placed in my life. I want to read it over and over again because I keep finding new things within the book. I am so ready for something new to happen. I have become a lot more happy in the last two weeks than I have been in a long time. Who knew a few changes like no focusing on guys, trying to figure out what's going on with my life, and reading books that challenge me.

=) Another day, another week, another month.

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