Thursday, December 4, 2008

"Sissy Church" and the Happiness Continues to Flow

Last night the youth pastor, Michael Alfred, at my church spoke about how our church has become safe. We do not take chances in our lives that could lead to sacrificing our lives for the cause of the Kingdom. How awesome would it be to give your life for God's cause. I mean it is scary but only because we have become comfortable with the safe and secure. We are supposed to be winning people for the Kingdom of God but we are not going out there and doing things about it. We are not living the full out life for Christ. I mean we build relationships with people but do we really take the chance to speak life into them.

I think he brought up a really good point last night with all of this. We think it is better to not change and to sit there and to a point become complacent. How retarded is that. We have been put on this Earth for a purpose which is to let God show us his vision for us and we live for His cause. Why not risk our lives for the God of the universe.

This sermon really did make me feel that this is my time in these months to come to work on figuring out what God has for me. We as humans live off of emotions and I think that is a great advantage to a point. If we did not have emotion then we would not be able to be passionate about what God has put in our hands for our lives. I think every single person in this world should stop and take a moment to really focus on what God has for their lives. Without this focus, people lose or miss what opportunities God puts right in front of them.

Personally, I want to do whatever it takes to further the Kingdom and grow in Christ. I want every true Christian to run towards the prize as Pauls says in the Scripture. Now that I think about it I don't even know the Scripture as well as I want to which is really awful because it is the book that brings strength, life, courage, hope, joy, peace, and love in our hearts. It gives the boldness to actually do something about our lives.

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