Friday, January 2, 2009

Your Purpose Is Bigger Than Your Problems.

I am yet again reading For This I Was Born. Its one of those books that you get a lot of especially when you read a second time. I am not reading it as much as a book but more of a devotional type thing. I want to get as much out of it as possible. One month is down for my six months no dating and I definitely don't think I have done much to pursue my goal which is to move past my past and grow closer to my Father.

The first chapter of this book is called," You Were Born for the Cause of Christ." Brian Huston, the writer begins talking about your purpose for living and he says,"Everyone who is born dies, but not everyone who dies has truly lived," which is so true. Some people go through their lives worrying about how they will be perceived by others and not living for something greater than themselves. How sad it would be to wake up when you are seventy and feel like you haven't lived. I mean you would have physically gone through life doing it is whatever you do and then die not living for a cause with a purpose. I do not want that to be me. I want learn what my purpose is so that I can fufill my part of God's cause.

We are to live for a cause worth dying for, not die full of potential. We do not need to sit and wait for something to happen but seek God and find our purpose. We as humans find all the faults in ourselves and our pasts. That should not be how we live. Christ lived his life without letting rejection, betrayal, and many other things hinder his life. He had plenty of reasons to fail but his Father's cause outweighed it all.

Don't look at all the downfalls and shortcomings that seem to comsume your life, but focus on God's pland for you. His vision and purpose for you which fuels your passion for His cause and kingdon. No matter what occurs in life, NEVER should you allow yourself to develop a wounded spirit. Hard times and past issues might come about but remember that from the moment you were conceived God had an awesome purpose/ plan for you on this earth. So, no matter what's going on with you, remember that your purpose is BIGGER than your problems!

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