Monday, February 2, 2009

Struggles and Goals

I really find it interesting that I write all of these things down that I find eye opening for you to read but I myself sometimes do not take my own advice. I guess that's one of the hardest things though...realizing your faults and knowing you need to fix them. Its a struggle because you have to figure out a way to go about changing your prospective, life, etc. God has given me peace about some of the things I struggle with but I must take action. Thus far I have taken some bigs steps in my eyes toward a goal driven by God.

In For This I Was Born, Brian Houston talks about how you must use what God has put in your hands at this very moment....not to let your heart get in the way of the present. Everyone has dreams and God has times where they will come true when the time is right. I am seeing that I must do what He has put here for me now...the present. I always love waking up and feeling that joy inside me. I know that I am a woman of God and that I am walking on a path towards a goal God has set in front of me. I thank God for waking me up every morning and allowing me to live happily even through the struggles.

Struggles...hmm...those are things that sometimes can get in the way of what we seek. Sometimes its pain, sadness, hatred, jealousy, roadblocks, etc. and when it seems like they are gone another isnt supposed to be easy. We do not and should not let those things affect where our journey is going. I find struggles (valleys) bring strength and light. We are so blessed to have a God who is there all the time no matter what. Struggles are the times we call on Him the most but do we seek Him constantly...I sure hope so. I am starting to grasp what this life is all about and it certainly isnt all about me. Its about God's plan for me.

Well, I guess that's all for the to you later

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