Monday, February 23, 2009

Ups and Downs. Peace. Decisions. Conviction.

Life is full of its ups and downs and I am beginning to understand more and more what those downs are for. They are for us to find ourselves and for us to lean on the one and only God. It is a time to commit ourselves to pray and to seeking Him with absolutely our WHOLE BEING!! Great thought...haha. Anyways, I find it amazing to see people struggle through different situations and see where it takes them. Does it take them to a place where they drift away from the One person who created them or does it make them fall further and deeper in love with Him. Hm....think about it. In your times of struggle which one are you? Its not an easy question to answer because a lot of us hate to think we drift hurts. I have seen plenty of people run as fast as they could from Him and look back only to have their life in tinier pieces than it was before. I just find it painful to think about running from the ONE AND ONLY PERSON WHO CAN BRING TRUE PEACE! As Philippians 4:7 says, "a peace which passes all understanding..." That is hard to imagine a peace which we ourselves cannot understand.

I find myself at this very moment looking at situation and praying it will only get resolved and that they will both turn to God and find the answer in Him. Though arguments and problems suck they will be gone with a little reconciliation and prayer. An end might not seem near at the moment but it will come. Joy will enter your being and you will be overcome with that amazing peace. Just sit, think, pray, LISTEN, seek YOUR GOD with every part of your being. His Word tells us to love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength....I know I say that a lot but I want you to get it. I want to see that that is what is takes to fall madly in love with Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior.

I have all of this nervous energy at this very moment because all I can think about is what tomorrow will bring....will the sun be shining or will the rain fall, will I give my day to Him or try my hardest to make everything work, will I love on everyone around me or go around with a negative attitude, will I show Christ or turn those who do not know Him away because I am acting a certain way and claiming to be a "Christian." Ask yourself these questions and answer them BS. No second guessing yourself. Know that you may not make the right choice all the time with each of these things but if you are seeking after Him and listening to Him as I talked about last time then slowly but surely you will figure out how to fix the wrong choices.....FIX...what a word....more like mend!

To live with conviction...what is that? Brian Huston puts your convictions like this: "Your convictions are the beliefs and persuastions that ground you and establish the pattern of your life." I like that. We are to influence the world not let it influence us. Well, I am gonna let you think on some of the things that I have brought to your attention.

Much love and God Bless your journey.

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