Thoughts are running through my mind quickly so if I leave anything out I'm sorry...=)
The other day I began to read a book called Wide Awake. In chapter two, "Discover," I got a wake up call. It says, " Maybe what you need right now is to recognize God created you to be adaptable and expandable. No matter how big your obstacles or challenges are, God created you to find a solution to overcome them. Now I know some of us love spiritualizing things, as in, 'Well, God will solve the problem.' But God rarely solves the problem with people who just say, 'If God wants it solved, he'll do it.' Instead, he seems to solve the problem with people who don't give up. Have you ever noticed that."
I sat and thought about it for awhile and the obstacles that I am going through cannot be solved by me and I cannot just hope God will fix it. I have to work with God and pray and seek His counsel. I have to live and drip my Heavenly Father all the while working through the situation. I know what is going on in the end will seem trivial. Being hurt is something that is hard to handle sometimes especially by a close friend. I know that God will bring me through it but I also know it takes effort on my part also. God may prepare my heart but I have to take the action and speak with the person who hurt me.
The last couple of Thursdays at SlowBurn Clint has said this: "Just because something is offensive...doesn't mean you are to offended." Wow! That sure did hit home for me. How many times have I been offended by something that in the end was nothing but a silly comment or action. But then I guess that is where my dramatic half comes in which is no good. A lot of times when we become offended we hold onto those things that offended us. Whether it is the person that offended us or the comment/ action made. This brings about feelings of anger, pain, and bitterness that can ruin us. They suck the life out of you and you begin to focus more and more on that offense. I have been there and until you give it God and deal with issue you will not be rid of those feelings.
At this point in my life I want to mature but this book Wide Awake is making me realize that maturity isn't being serious all the time but growing in your relationship with God and realizing where boundaries lie. Chapter two, Discover, is all about the explorer within us. If we stop being curious then we stop learning and experiencing newness in our relationship with God. Clint also spoke about being comfortable with where we are in our relationship with God and I think that that is where I have been. I was pressing through and then a problem came about and instead of saying to myself, "I need to seek harder and trust in my God," I said, "I'm okay here and I can try to fix it and if I feel like it I can work on my relationship possibly." I was going the completely wrong direction. The situation with my friends that I am/was going through was affecting pretty much every aspect of my life and that is not good. I became numb and complacent and though it wasn't long before I realized I needed to do something, it was still a problem.
My devotion today was called, "Circumstances." It says, "Much of what happens in life, whether insignificant or catastrophic, is beyond your control. But you can choose how you will respond to these situations. Instead of being infuriated by your own inability to alter events, be thankful that God is all-powerful and has control over all things. He can change the circumstances or give you the strength to endure them." How awesome is that. I love how God works. He uses every resource possible to get you to realize what the solution is or what a better way to handle the situation is. He has used Scripture, my devotional, a book, a few amazing people, and a pen and paper. It all comes down to my willingness to lay everything down at His feet and walking with Him through the situation not being defeated by everything going on. I feel in a way that is what I was doing...I was letting Satan win a battle that could effect me in a major way. I now see that Satan was planning on destroying my friendships, my will to fight, my peace of mind, etc. So many things were at stake and the biggest thing was my identity in Christ. I was being controlled by the problem not I controlling it. I guess controlling isn't the best word maybe solving....yea solving. I wasn't looking for a solution I was just letting the problem stew. The problem has not fully gone away but it is getting better for me at least. I am realizing what I need to do.
I guess this sums up what is running through my mind and what is in my heart at this very moment. I mean there is probably a lot more. Just think, "Wouldn't it be wonderful if, when we saw a problem, we assumed we were to be part of the solution? Seeing a problem only lets you know where your limits are if you don't solve it. Problems, obstacles, and challenges can either become the markers of our limits and limitations, or they can become the springboard into a whole new world." -Wide Awake. Let that quote fill your mind with thoughts. Why look at a situation as limiting but instead think of it as a growing process. Discovering something new. Something God-filled. He might not create your problems but he does have solutions and something better to come out of it.
Know this...Don't let your problem take control of your life but look to God and seek Him...Together both of you will solve it.
Also remember the Scripture, Philippians 4:6-8....It'll help you along...I can promise you that.
Pray, seek, read, praise, be thankful, dance, lean in, and grow in your Lord daily.
God Bless and Much Love.
1 comment:
I love how you're so honest and transparent. You don't know how your being willing to be honest about the stuff in life that sometimes doesn't make sense is encouraging to people around me.
Wide Awake? By Erwin McManus? I love that guy. I'm reading another book by him right now, Chasing Daylight, and it's messing me up. So good.
Praying for you!
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